Unit 2: Doing Research and Problem Formulation Social Explorer
Hypothesis Generating Assignment. Construct a map. What are some things that stand out. Why do you think these trends are the way they are? Unit 3: Research Ethics Milgram
Shock Experiments. Watch YouTube film. Do the costs of this research outweigh the benefits? Unit 4: Connecting Theory to Method Politics
Professor Assignment. Pick a theory from this website that might explain the relationship you found in the social explorer assignment.
Unit 5: Creating a Literature Review. Zotero Assignment. Create a Zotero account and add 10 references you found on your subject.
Unit 7: Validity and Reliability. Take a Web Survey Assignment. Take one of the surveys on this page. Was the data reliable and valid? Unit 8: Data CollectionGoogle Trends
Assignment. Type a keyword into Google Trends.
Unit 9: Data Analysis AssignmentNational Election Study Exercise. Pick two variables and run the appropriate test. What relationship did you find.